Sparking the conversation about smoking and nicotine.

We want to empower you to find the best solutions to take control of your habit, with guidance & advice from ex-smokers and industry experts.


We’ve collated a series of articles to answer questions that you might have if you are thinking about stopping smoking, are currently trying or are looking for support to ‘stay quit’.

Vaping while pregnant – is it safe?

Whilst vaping is understood to be a less harmful alternative to smoking and is sometimes recommended to expectant mothers, nicotine can cause permanent damage to a baby’s developing organs during this critical period of growth.

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is nicotine bad for you?

Is nicotine bad for you?

If you have concerns about whether nicotine is bad for you, we hope that with our many years of experience in the smoking cessation industry, we can help you to make up your own mind on the subject by providing the answers you need in a balanced and non-biased way.

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Should i quit vaping?

How to Quit Vaping

A large percentage of smokers in the UK have managed to successfully make the switch to vaping as an alternative that is recommended by the NHS as being ‘95% safer than smoking’, but these ex-smokers are now left still feeding a substitute nicotine addiction that remains unaddressed.

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Discover our guided courses.

If you are ready to quit nicotine, we are building a collection of short, guided courses with step-by-step exercises to give you the very best chance of achieving your goal.


Finding your reason

Think about the ‘big picture’ of how tobacco became a daily habit and run through some short, practical exercises that will help you to identify what is, in my opinion, the single most important step in the journey.

Start now


How Yoga can help you quit

Yoga is great for so many aspects of physical and mental wellbeing and can definitely help you feel better about yourself and your journey towards a smoke-free life. I’d be delighted if I can encourage you to dip your toes in.

Learn more


Smoking Alternatives

If you can acknowledge that it’s nicotine that you get the satisfaction from in cigarettes and not any of the other stuff that’s actually bad for you, your journey towards a smoke-free life can be made much easier.

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you can Change Your Life

Find your motivation for a smoke-free future


Better mental well-being

Understanding more about the way that smoking affects your brain and the way you make decisions can open the door to healthier ways of thinking and living.


Enhanced Relationships

It's well known that smoking is bad for you, but it's important to understand the effects on the quantity and quality of time that you spend with the people you love.

Young couple in front of a house, holding keys of their new home

Improved finances

You can set financial goals and start benefitting from more productive ways to spend the money that you work hard to earn, when you start cutting-down or quitting.

Features & Benefits

Our Quit Gurus

We work with experts in psychology, behavioural therapy, fitness, diet, finance and philosophy to bring you the most effective chunks of advice and information

Helen Chambers

Helen is a personal trainer with a successful youtube channel with short daily exercise routines for every day people. Helen has helped us formulate advice on keeping your body 'smoke-free'

Annie Hofstadter

Annie is an experienced psychologist with a popular instagram account which shares easy to understand nuggets of wisdom. Annie can help you set milestones to reward yourself on your journey

Success stories

Hear about how people have successfully quit smoking and listen to their advice for other people in the same position.

About Us

We’re a collective of ex-smokers with experience in the business of stopping smoking who want to help you discover the best ways to live your life smoke-free.

"Our mission is to provide an independent, un-biased and wide-ranging source of information and advice for people making the move away from nicotine"

Stephen Trott

“After successfully ending my 25 year relationship with nicotine,  I realised that the most important part is focusing on the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’. Now I want to help us all as a  community push towards a smoke-free future for the next generations.”

Contact Us

We’re here to help, so if you have any questions about anything that you have read or have feedback that can help you quit and us grow, please get in touch.

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